

Every year, Kaxla welcomes Heiltsuk children who are in care off reserve. This is a time for the children and their caregivers to connect with Heiltsuk culture, extended family and be on their territory. At homecoming children are uplifted and honoured as members of the Heiltsuk community.

Koeye Family Camp

Each year, Kaxla partners with the Qqs Society and hosts a family camp at Koeye for Heiltsuk children and families to have a chance to learn through cultural teachings, experience the richness of being on the land and grow stronger together. Camp staff teach campers about traditional practices, ceremonies, and stories relating to the camp’s theme. See a video.

Traditional Harvesting

Our Heilstuk Hereditary Leadership and Matriarchs remind us of the importance of staying connected to our land, resources, culture and community. It is imperative that Kaxla provides opportunity for our children, youth and families to have access to the Heiltsuk seasonal harvesting, processing and preserving of traditional food, cedar and medicine.

Community Kitchen

In partnership with other community agencies, the community kitchen provides lunches sourced from local foods to over 200 people each month.


Kaxla uplifts families, youth and children by celebrating each other as well as learn and engage in cultural practices together. Whether it is a clam digging day or a hot dog roast on the beach, community is at the heart of what we do.

Kunsoot Wellness Centre

A collaborative vision for Haíɫzaqv land-based healing in Qíɫcutkv (Kunsoot). Heiltsuk Kaxla Society partners with local organizations in the development and use of Kunsoot Wellness Centre, located 10-minutes from Waglisla by water.